Category Archives: Stewardship

Staying Focused… on Stewardship this Summer

The solstice is yet to come, but school’s out and summer’s here. If you’re able to slow the pace, enjoy! If you’re able to travel a bit, have a great and safe time.

And as a steward this summer, be faithful! If travel takes you through a Sunday, consider giving your offerings before leaving town or bringing your giving up to date on the first Sunday after you return.

It’s always important to be cheerful and current in giving our tithes and offerings. The “firstfruits” (not the leftovers) go to the Lord from grateful hearts.

It’s especially important this summer. At the end of April we were $33,000 behind our budget giving target for the year, but God has answered prayer and His people have given faithfully in recent weeks. After last Sunday we are $26,300 behind our budget. We’ve made progress and we have far to go.

From now until Labor Day is an important period. Let’s pray together for God’s continued provision and for one another’s faithfulness. Evan Roberts said, “God hath plenty and God will provide.” If you and I are trusting Him and being prompt and sincere in our giving, God will insure that the resources He wants us to have are here.

Pastor Coye Still